Hey fuckers, it's been a long time since I posted, but this is why: We sold our house, canceled the utilities, found a new place to stay in Milwaukee, interviewed for a job, got an offer, negotiated, accepted the offer, bought a new car, had the old one repaired, rented a moving truck, rented movers, scheduled inspections on the house, scheduled appraisers on the house, had a plumber fix a busted pipe that sprayed water all over the basement & directly in my face three-stooges style, got a loan at the bank for the new car, got a new address, told my freelance clients that I was moving away & finished up my accounts with them, re-negotiated the sale price of the home because of some "defects", scheduled a boiler certification and had the water heater repaired, and my G3 blew a head gasket so all of my files are on a hard drive that I can't access. Also during this time I was working 40 a week and moving all our stuff into the garage. The move is a week away and I feel like I'm gonna punch the next motherfucker that asks me for money. We are Hemorrhaging money right now. We're throwing it to every inspector, mechanic, contractor, and realtor that approaches us.
Selling a place is expensive. But we really are on an awesome lucky streak. In one day I received a job offer and 7 minutes later an offer on the house. We found a car at the price we wanted. We found a place to stay within 2 days of driving around Milwaukee and literally stumbled upon the most awesome neighborhood by accident. I have to give Veleta big props, because I think her money cat she brought us from Chinatown did the trick. More on the details later, but I have to go, the phone is ringing.