I know, I know; I haven't updated anyone with my story about how my brother breached the sanctity of family relations to rope me into a pyramid scheme or how my uncle's funeral was besieged by Elvis. That's because my OTHER brother was in the hospital with what doctors suspect is a cancerous tumor on his kidney(s). Jesus, I can't keep up.
Basically, my brother went to the hospital last week because of pain. The docs x-rays revealed that he's got a big tumor on his kidney. They went in to do a biopsy. That's all I know for now. My mom doesn't trust the hospital he was admitted to, because she hasn't known one person that has come out of there alive. I'm pretty sure every city has "that hospital." You know, the one where people disappear from, never to return? How come there hasn't been a horror movie about that? Maybe there has...regardless, there should be more of those movies.
To my brother: If you're out there reading this, get better bro. I'm praying for you. Just don't ask me for any organs. I don't just pass those things out to anyone, you know.