So a year or two ago I heard about R. Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet." Since everyone talked about either how horrible or how genius it was, I bought the first 12 chapters. I listened to it, laughed my ass off, and then forgot about it. THEN yesterday by accident, it came up on my iTunes at work. It scores a solid 8 on the unintentional comedy scale. Then again, the question begs, is it unintentional? I know R. Kelly swears he invented a new form of music (hip hopera) and all indications are that he seems to be really serious about this serial drama of his.
Somehow, though, I think he is really in on the joke. He has to be because it's so bad. He HAS to know that you can't take any piece of music seriously if you are singing about a well-endowed midget who craps himself and an old nosy neighbor who defends herself with a spatula. He's messing with us, right? He probably sat down and thought, "I wonder how far I can go. Just what will people buy? If I make it borderline bad, drawn out and goofy/funny/stupid, will people still like it?" It certainly creates conversation.
So I highly recommend listening to it, even if you think it's stupid, because it's worth the time trying to figure out if he's serious.