
Tips For Our Candidates

John McCain:
1. Sarah Palin's son has Down syndrome, not autism. She's your running mate. Get it right.
2. Senator Obama's wife is Michelle.
3. Lose Joe the plumber. It's condescending.

Barack Obama:
1. Just Say No to cavalier sexual activity?

By simply remaining cool and confident, Obama wins post-debate polls and focus groups by 2:1. CNN just posted a a story stating that Obama crossed the electoral threshold. 277 to 174.

Campaign Update

From Oliver Stone's "W" premiering across the street from John McCain's hotel in NYC last night to Christopher Buckley's resignation from the conservative National Review days after endorsing Barack Obama's White House bid, to Lilibet Hagel-the wife of Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel-accompanying Michelle Obama at tonight’s final presidential debate, the bad news for McCain continues to pile up.

The Straight Talk Express just careened over a cliff, and is flipping end-over-end, like a "Toonces" skit on SNL, with hockey gear flying out of the windows and tremendous amounts of rouge exploding in a mad symphony of crimson dust.

When David Brooks says your running mate "represents a fatal cancer" to your party, it's time to pull over, buy a 6-pack of PBR, and put on Willy Nelson for the long drive home.

There are now no less than seven polls that show Obama with a double-digit lead (with CBS giving him 14 points), and he's surpassing all expectations for early vote returns.

Celebrity Look-Alikes

Flo Evans from "Good Times" (Esther Rolle) and David Ortiz.

p.s. - I'm not the first to make this connection. After some searching it turns out that one of David Ortiz's nicknames is "Flo," and several blogs have pointed this out. Still, when I saw a photo of Esther Rolle recently I couldn't help myself. It needs to be posted. As much as possible.

Here's another shot: