I love having a blog. So, why haven't I posted lately? Let's put it this way: Today I was triple-booked for lunch. I have 2 job interviews in Milwaukee on Monday that I have to prepare for (printing out my latest work for my portfolio, thank-you cards to create, print and address, business cards to print out, etc.), a magazine issue to ship, three freelance jobs on the stove, a housing inspector scheduled to come today, a crumbling bathroom wall that had to be replaced, re-tiled and grouted by this morning, several meetings at work, a small crisis brewing with an AP editor in New York that I'm managing, and a boss that in so many words told me that he doesn't care that I am doing 70% more issues this year. I'm busy this week...month...quarter. Let's hope I can get the hell out of this town and settle into a nice, stable, relaxing routine in Milwaukee with a job that pays more than a Dairy Queen Manager. Mmmmm. Brewtown. Look for more posts when I have more than .2 seconds to spend on something other than emptying out my bowels.
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