iPhoto sucks. There is no other way to say it. I tried it and stuck with it for a long time because it was convenient and it recognized my camera. It's caused me too many headaches. It's a hog, it's slow, and it was engineered by someone who thinks they know better than me how to organize my own photo files. I'm just asking for a little flexibility.
So lately when I import my files, they are organized by date, right? So I have a batch that are "February 27, 2007." O.k., so all I have to do to retrieve the photos in PhotoShop is go to the folder dated 2007 > 2 > 27, right? Well, they're not there. Somehow, they end up in an April 2006 folder!! WTF? I repeat, WTF? Maybe my camera's date has been reset. But this is what pisses me off: The photos should be organized by date of import (you know, like the way they are organized in the iPhoto interface, making me believe they are in the respective dated folder) but instead are organized by the data from your camera WHICH CAN BE TOTALLY WRONG, and I have no clue as to where the hell they reside on my hard drive. To find a particular file now, I have to memorize the ridiculous filename the camera gives the photo (OA00724450007) and then do a search on my hard drive! WTF????!!!!!
I know I need to fix the date on my camera, and my problem will probably be solved. It still doesn't fix the slow-as-molasses navigation and previews, as well as its proclivity for locking up and playing disappearing magic tricks. When I get home, I'm archiving my evil, demented photo file structure and wiping this program off my hard drive FOREVER.
F**k iPhoto. I'm installing the software that came with my camera. The Canon software I had 6 years ago kicks current iPhoto's ass. The Canon camera is long gone, and I'm running an Olympus now, but I'm wondering if the Olympus software will be any good. It's worth a try. If it's lame, I'm going open source. There has to be an alternative.
Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth,
You're an idiot, babe.
It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe.
I been double-crossed now for the very last time and now I'm finally free,
I kissed goodbye the howling beast on the borderline which separated you from me.
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