Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. I found out that my landlord, who lives upstairs, and his girlfriend were crack smokers. The girlfriend also has mental problems and has been in and out of treatment centers. She can't afford her meds, so she breaks down all the time and cuts herself. Apparently last Friday my landlord called the police on her because she cut herself (I was out of town), and then THIS Friday he called the cops on her again!! Same thing. So I am watching my 3-year old son and his friend ride their tricycles in the driveway when the police and rescue units roll up. My wife grabs the kids and heads over to the neighbors and I sip my beer while I watch my wasted landlord get lippy with the cop through his upstairs window which is open. Then my landlord SHOVES him. The cop hits him with the tazer and hollers at him to get down on the floor. My landlord says "That feels good!" So the cop cranks up the voltage and really lets him have it. Some wrestling ensues and backup arrives. They carry him off in the squad and they carry out the tweaker girlfriend. She will probably be in 48-hour observation, while the landlord has a court appearance.
In all seriousness, the neighborhood we live in is great. It's like Pleasantville. Except for this guy. How could we have known? I guess he looked a little White T to me but I didn't know that he had a bad history. I guess you should do a background check on the landlord if you plan on renting a property. I started looking at properties today. Lesson learned. I'm visiting the cop shop when I have an address in mind. We're not ready to buy yet, and we want to save some cash for a year. But if this happens in the best neighborhoods, how often is this same thing going on all over?
Huh, how sad.
Well, my new rule is to be suspect of renting from single guys in their 40s, especially if they have a tie-dyed t-shirt. Come to think of it, why didn't I know better? I guess I don't stereotype too much, but in this case I think you need to in order to weed out the weenies.
Well My old Friend, This day and age, one can never be too careful, especially when trying to find a place of residence for the family. The fact is, you didn't know, so don't beat yourself up over it. I'm sure that the day you checked it out, the LL seemed ok. Like you said, how does one know?
that really was a once in a lifetime event. i wished i could have been there to see that and to document it. Plus, i probably would have won 10k on America's funniest home videos.
Hmmm. SOunds crazy. After you moved away from here, we got to see the our St.Paul tax dollars at work as a drug bust occurred in our alley. It really was quite exciting as a dude left a very suspect house at the end of the alley and some undercover cops followed him and took him down on our curb lawn. I think I forgot to tell you about this.
Brian, you would have loved it. It was so awesome. And Danielle, I do miss our old neighborhood, watching the cops put their knee in someone's back, random gunshots at night. Ahh, the memories of the eastside.
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