1. Some sort of reusable "tap" - with a short tube - that you could pierce the side of a gallon of milk with, enabling my son to open the fridge and fill his cup without having to pick up the gallon and spill 6-8 ounces of it on the counter and floor.
2. A short, highly directional EMP gun that you could point to an offending electronic device (your landlord's stereo upstairs, annoying cell phone used by guy in restaurant, etc.) and discharge a short burst of energy, either temporary disabling the unit or frying the circuitry altogether, depending on the dial setting you have on the unit. The unit would also have a highly-defined energy path, which you could customize to provide a "technology-free zone " in your house, backyard, etc.
3. A device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet
Whoa! Pretty aggressive there! Hopefully it isn't aimed at me (no pun intended). Here's another:
4. An internet service that allows you - for a small fee of course - to anonymously list an address where you want a bag of flaming poo placed on the porch. Presto!
By the way, Anonymous Face STABBER, your name wouldn't be Megan Kallio, would it? She's the only one I know of who is so horribly graphic, violent, and funny at the same time. Well, her and Chris King.
Flaming Poo, now thats good!! Nope I'm not Megan Kallio or Chris King. Megan I don't know, at least I dont think I do. I do know Chris, been a while since I've seen him. No my face stabbing device was not aimed at you old friend, just something that could come in handy. Someday I will be rich and famous..........or not.
you forgot this one. pludge it deep into North Korea and turn Earth into the Universe's largest toilet paper dispenser.
Toilet paper dispenser? Crazy. Who's going to wipe their hiney with the earth? Must be some big-assed dude.
Hey, this is Megan Kallio! I know I'm a few months late in responding to this, but I saw my name being thrown around. Gangler, do you really think I would say something so violent? Well, you're right. And to prove it to you, I'd like to set you on fire and push you out a window. =)
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