Well, here he is. I was reading a Scooby Doo book to my son the other night and Jessica pointed out the likeness. You can see pics of him at his latest show, Rocks N Glocks. I'd say it's uncanny. Click here to see a larger version of the comic. In fact, here is a pic for quick comparison:

I think the guy in the illustration kinda looks like a young Ron Jeremy...I wonder what an episode of Scooby Doo with Ron Jeremy would be like? The case of the missing Porn Star?
I wonder if that's what the illustrator was going for when they created that guy for the book. Snickering all the time while the publisher had no clue. Hey wait—HOW DO YOU know what Ron Jeremy looks like? mmmm. Suspicious. Got some old VHS tapes stashed away somewhere?
If you remember, he starred in VH1's "The Surreal Life" a year or so ago. I think that he and Tammy Faye were on the same episode. Come to think of it, that was one of the best casts ever! I think that Vanilla Ice, Eric Estrada and Gary Coleman were also on...
I swear I had never heard of him before then...
Yeah, I saw that show. Actually, I think he and Tammy Faye hit it off. they were buddies. Vanilla ice was a total douchebag, which explains his sorry career and his suckiness in general. In fact if it weren't for that Queen sample, he would have never been anything more than some pretty boy you see at Daytona during spring break. Totally & completely forgettable. Except for the douchebag part.
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